Why I’m leaving Destiny 2

My love for Bungie is going away

I just want to say this at the start so that you don’t think this is some hit piece on Bungie, everyone likes entertainment completely differently and what I feel about Destiny 2 right now might not be the same feelings you have but I hope you can stay and read and see why I’m leaving and what I hope happens with Destiny 2 and Bungie’s future game

So you might think “why do I care about this person on this random website and their opinion on Destiny 2?” but I think we should actually listen to all the players who played Destiny 2 for, according to my Steam, 850 hours of Destiny 2 played, that’s usually not an amount of time I put into a game so you can see how serious I am about this game

But with the recently released Season of The Seraph, nerfs and Dawning 2022, I’m officially burned out by Bungie’s decisions and repetitive gameplay

With how Bungie has changed from making exciting and different content, like the Gundam armor for the Festival of the Lost and tremendous storytelling with Season of the Haunted to the nerfs for Divinity, Gjallarhorn and a white and gold Shader during the Dawning (which gave the same weapons as 2021’s Dawning)

People like me are affected the most by Nerfs

I know the most debated thing would be the Divinity nerf and maybe the Gjallarhorn nerfs but first I’ll explain the Divinity nerfs

Nerfing something like Divinity affects people like who have a full-time job that we have to work day-to-day, and it takes longer and longer to do the raids that shouldn’t take so long just so that we can get pinnacles and hopefully get the raid weapon, in the case of Season of The Seraph, it would be Touch of Malice.

It really does get very annoying that something that should take 1 hour or less, now takes 2 hours or more.

After the Divinity nerf, the raid took 2 hours and 37 minutes to complete, it took us 1 hour and 19 minutes just before that nerf, so you can clearly see how badly it affects people who aren’t playing this game every day and doing World’s First

In terms of Gjallarhorn nerf, I just don’t think that you should release a weapon that’s technically paid and nerf it in PvE, it’s a fun weapon that stopped being fun

Same as Before

Next, I want to talk about, what I think, is a failure of Bungie to produce more unique content for Destiny 2 and it’s seasons.

While the expansions have been pretty well down, especially for The Witch Queen, the seasons are unfortunately pretty much left to just repetitive missions and one mission that’s pretty the same as the previous with a small little change that will be vaulted in 3 months.

While I understand the technical decision for Bungie to have players do the same weekly missions, like the Heist Battlegrounds for Season of The Seraph or doing a Heist Battleground so that you can open a Seraph Chest, so that you can progress in the story. It’s the same thing as the Vestige of Dread in Season of The Haunted

With these repetitive missions, they have also decided to release the same weapon for the Dawning event like Glacioclasm and Zephyr.

The only new thing from the Dawning event in 2022, which I could also be wrong about, is the Hoarfrost Sunrise

And the fact that they vault the story missions that’s kind of unique, leaving the game with lesser content leaving the season

What now?

Well, it’s simple. Bungie needs to change their internal system. They have to start with their extremely dated Tiger Engine, if you don’t know what that engine is, it’s basically a modified Halo Engine and if you don’t know how old the Tiger Engine is, it was used to make the original Destiny game back on Xbox One and PlayStation 4

A new game engine or a change in Tiger Engine to allow more stuff like Ray Tracing and DLSS would breathe new life into Destiny 2, especially Ray Traced Reflections and Ray Traced Audio as we know those two features can change how a game looks and sounds

The next thing they need to change internally is, hiring more developers and we know that Bungie can do this as they were purchased by Sony Interactive Entertainment in July 2022 for $3.7 Billion, so we know they have the money to do so, and this will allow gamers to benefit from more unique content for seasons and events

Lastly, all nerfs on PvE needs to be heavily considered based on who they affect, and the tweets of YouTubers and “World’s First” raiders should not be heavily considered, it should be the same amount as everyone else. Bungie has their own forums so they should ask right there and also use their official Destiny 2 Twitter account, which currently has 2.7 million followers

I might have lost my love for Bungie’s games and their brilliant storytelling, but I do hope they change their internal systems and hopefully their next game, registered as Matter by Bungie, will be better but based on rumors, they are building their next game on the dated Tiger Engine, and that’s something I’m personally not looking forward to

Syed Maricar

I’m a gamer and a streamer who plays on various platforms and genres. I also love movies and travel. I’m curious and adventurous.


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